emergent vibration - taishi kamiya exhibition -
Several balloons, respectively and independently oscillating to produce minute levels of sound, are placed musically throughout the space of gift_lab. This project uses uniform and unified modules called balloon oscillators, which act in unison to construct a diverse sound image which listeners can experience, utilizing the entire space. In addition to the sensors, oscillators and LEDs contained in the balloon modules, are metal and wood chips, which are designed to emit sound through vibrations. When one of the balloon modules oscillates, those vibrations are transmitted to the adjacent balloon module, thereby augmenting the emitted sound. Like synapses transmitting neurons, the oscillations become information transmitting sound, enveloping the entire venue.
それぞれ独立に振動し微細な音を発生する風船を、gift_labの空間に音楽的に複数配置する。 本作品では、風船振動子という均一かつ単一なモジュールを使用することによって、モジュール同士が協調し空間全体で構成する音像の多様性を感じることができる。 風船モジュール内部にはセンサ、振動子、LEDの他、金属片、木片などが内包され、振動によって発音される仕組みになっている。1つの風船モジュールが振動すると、それに隣接する風船モジュールに振動が伝搬し、発音が促される。 ニューロンを伝搬するシナプスのように、振動が情報になり音となって会場を包み込む。
emergent vibration - taishi kamiya exhibition -
2011.9.23 - 9.30
Materials: Balloons, Motors, LEDs, sensors, semiconductors, etc.
Form: Installation / solo exhibition
Venues: gift_lab (Ebisu), Tokyo
Photo: Emi Yamaguchi
Video: ViDeOM
open 12:00 - 20:00 (close every monday)
organized : taishi kamiya + gift_lab
emergent vibration - taishi kamiya exhibition -
2011.9.23 - 9.30
Materials: Balloons, Motors, LEDs, sensors, semiconductors, etc.
Form: Installation / solo exhibition
Venues: gift_lab (Ebisu), Tokyo
Photo: Emi Yamaguchi
Video: ViDeOM
open 12:00 - 20:00 (close every monday)
organized : taishi kamiya + gift_lab
Opening Event
2011. 9. 23 Open 17:00 / Start 17:30
at gift_lab
entrance: \1,000
2011. 9. 23 Open 17:00 / Start 17:30
at gift_lab
entrance: \1,000
Live Perfomance :
+LUS (Taishi Kamiya, Junji Koyanagi, Yui Onodera)
+LUS (Taishi Kamiya, Junji Koyanagi, Yui Onodera)